NTI - Non-Traditional Instruction Day
FCS may be using Non-Traditional Instruction Days this school year.
If you have questions regarding the assignments, please contact your child's teacher.
Official e-mail addresses can be found in the staff directory.
To access school programs and resources visit:
Students will log in with a copy of their badge or with their Google Account:
Username: firstname.lastname@stu.franklin.kyschools.us
Password: Student ID # (Usually 212...)
If you would like a copy of your child's Clever Badge or their Student ID # please contact their Homeroom teacher or Mrs. McCoy.
If you have any additional questions or concerns about technology or account access for programs, please contact Mrs. McCoy our Librarian/Technology Coordinator: kim.mccoy@franklin.kyschools.us.
Link to 2024-2025 NTI Work Menus: https://sites.google.com/franklin.kyschools.us/bridgeportfrc/24-25-nti?authuser=0